

  1. X. Lin, A. Gaur, C. Liu, C. Singh, N. Karapetyan, and Y. Aloimonos, “Simulating Aerial and Satellite Images for Detection of Maritime Objects”, submitted to 2023 RA-M, Special Issue of Marine Robotics, IEEE, 2023

  2. Xiaomin Lin, Akshaj Gaur, Cheng Liu, Chahat Deep Singh, Nare Karapetyan, Miao Yu, Yiannis Aloimonos, “SeaDroneSim2:Enhancing Detection of Maritime and Marine Objects with Synthetic Images,” submitted to the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2023

  3. Michael Xu, Nare Karapetyan, Keshav Rajasekaran, Alan Williams, Allen Patillo, Matthew Gray, Pratap Tokekar, Miao Yu, "Sonar-Based Seabed Classification of Oyster Farms",  submitted to the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2023

  4. L. Zhao, H. Kim, and M. Yu, “Structural Luneburg lens for broadband ultralong subwavelength focusing,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 182, p.109561, 2023. 

  5. L. Zhao, C. Bi, and M. Yu, “Structural lens for broadband triple focusing and three-beam splitting of flexural waves,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 240, 107907, 2023. 



  1. K. Chakrabarti, N. Gupta and N. Chopra, "On Preconditioning of Decentralized Gradient-Descent When Solving a System of Linear Equations," in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 811-822, June 2022, 

  2. Hyun-Tae Kim and Miao Yu, "On-Fiber Multiparameter Sensor Based on Guided-Wave Surface Plasmon Resonances," J. Lightwave Technol. 40, 2157-2165 (2022) 

  3. L. Zhao, C. Bi, and M. Yu, “Designing flexural wave gradient index lens based on the Rays Inserting Method,” Results in Physics, 40, 105897, 2022. 

  4. Liuxian Zhao, Timothy Horiuchi, and Miao Yu , "Acoustic waveguide based on cascaded Luneburg lens", JASA Express Letters 2, 024002 (2022)

  5. M Evanusa, S Shrestha, V Patil, C Fermüller, M Girvan, Y Aloimonos, Deep-Readout Random Recurrent Neural Networks for Real-World Temporal Data, SN Computer Science 3 (3), 1-12, 2022. 

  6. L Burner, NJ Sanket, C Fermüller, Y Aloimonos, Fast monocular distance estimation from time to contact, arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.07530, 2022.


  1. Liuxian Zhao, Timothy Horiuchi, and Miao Yu, "Broadband ultra-long acoustic jet based on double-foci Luneburg lens", JASA Express Letters 1,114001 (2021) This paper was chosen for the cover for the November 2021 issue of JASA Express Letters.

  2. Liuxian Zhao, Timothy Horiuchi, and Miao Yu, "Broadband acoustic collimation and focusing using reduced aberration acoustic Luneburg lens", Journal of Applied Physics 130, 214901 (2021) This paper was selected to be promoted as Editor’s Pick. 

  3. Engle, C.R., J. van Senten, M. Parker, D. Webster, and C. Clark. 2021. Economic trade-offs and risk between traditional bottom and container culture of oysters on Maryland farms. Aquaculture Economics & Management.